361. Q. What is the fourth Commandment?
A. The fourth Commandment is: Honor thy father and thy mother.
362. Q. What are we commanded by the fourth Commandment?
A. We are commanded by the fourth Commandment to honor, love, and obey our parents in all that is not sin.
363. Q. Are we bound to honor and obey others than our parents?
A. We are also bound to honor and obey our bishops, pastors, magistrates, teachers, and other lawful superiors.
364. Q. Have parents and superiors any duties towards those who are under their charge?
A. It is the duty of parents and superiors to take good care of all under their charge and give them proper direction and example.
365. Q. What is forbidden by the fourth Commandment?
A. The fourth Commandment forbids all disobedience, contempt, and stubbornness towards our parents or lawful superiors.
366. Q. What is the fifth Commandment?
A. The fifth Commandment is: Thou shalt not kill.
367. Q. What are we commanded by the fifth Commandment?
A. We are commanded by the fifth Commandment to live in peace and union with our neighbor, to respect his rights, to seek his spiritual and bodily welfare, and to take proper care of our own life and health.
368. Q. What is forbidden by the fifth Commandment?
A. The fifth Commandment forbids all willful murder, fighting, anger, hatred, revenge, and bad example.
369. Q. What is the sixth Commandment?
A. The sixth Commandment is: Thou shalt not commit adultery.
370. Q. What are we commanded by the sixth Commandment?
A. We are commanded by the sixth Commandment to be pure in thought and modest in all our looks, words, and actions.
371. Q. What is forbidden by the sixth Commandment?
A. The sixth commandment forbids all unchaste freedom with anothers wife or husband; also all immodesty with ourselves or others in looks, dress, words, or actions.
372. Q. Does the sixth Commandment forbid the reading of bad and immodest books and newspapers?
A. The sixth Commandment does forbid the reading of bad and immodest books and newspapers.